时间:2017/12/7 21:55:18   文章来源:e世博线上注册

中国玉文化研究院;英文名称:Chinese Jade Culture Institute,是在中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室的亲切关怀下,经澳门特别行政区政府特批成立的非营利性研究机构,登记编号:4570,公告刊登于《e世博线上注册官网》。 



 Constitution of China Jade Culture Research Institute 

 Chapter I General provisions 

 Article one. The name of the Institute is "China Jade Culture Institute", the English name is "Chinese Jade Culture Institute", and the English abbreviation is "CJCI".。 

Article 2. The purpose of the Institute is: relying on Macao's unique geographical, cultural and institutional advantages, to concentrate and showcase the 5,000 years of Chinese jade culture to Chinese and foreign guests, and promote the development of China's jade industry。 

 Article 3.Objectives of the Institute: 本院將在澳門打造全球唯一認定最准、誠信最高、規模最大的玉品鑒定與展示基地; By providing a full range of appraisal, exhibition and other services, the formation of new industrial growth points in Macao, promote the social and economic development of Macao; Through the research of Hongshan culture and Chinese jade culture in the past dynasties, the level of jade identification is improved. Through the establishment of appraisal education and teaching, cultivate Macao appraisal talents。

 Article 4. The legal domicile of the Institute is located on the 27th floor of China Law Building, 405 Nanwan Road, Macau。The domicile of the legal person of the Court may be moved to any place in Macau by the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Court。 

 Chapter II Membership 

 Article 5 .Any unit or individual that recognizes the constitution of the Court may become a member of the Court upon application and approval by the Board of Directors of the Court。 

 Article 6. Members enjoy the following rights: 

 (1) The right to vote, to be elected and to vote in the Court; 

 (2) The priority of participating in various activities of the Institute。 

Article 7. Members perform the following obligations: 

(1) Abide by the articles of Association of the Court, implement the decisions of the Court, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Court。 

 (2) Pay membership dues, complete the work assigned by the Institute, and actively publicize and participate in various business activities。 

 Article VIII. Members are free to withdraw。The membership of any organization or individual member in any of the following circumstances shall be cancelled by the vote of the Board of Directors: 

 (1) Failure to pay the fees due on time。 

 (2) seriously violating the constitution and relevant provisions of the Court, causing serious adverse effects to the Court。 Chapter Three: Organizational structure 

Article 9.The Institute has a General Assembly, a Board of Directors and a Board of Supervisors, and the highest authority is the General Assembly. The term of office of the members of the above organs is three years, and the number of times is unlimited。 

Number ten.The regular session of the General Assembly shall be convened once a year by the Board of Directors。The functions and powers of the General Assembly shall be:

 1. Formulation and amendment of articles of association。

 2. Election and removal of members of the governing bodies。 

 3. To examine the Council's project and financial revenue and expenditure reports。

 4. Determination of termination。 

 5. Decide on other important matters。

 Article 11. The General Assembly shall have a president and several vice presidents。

 Article 12. 理事會為本院日常事務之執行機構,設理事長一名,理事若干名,秘書長一名.The number of members must be odd。

 Article 13. 監事會為本院監察機構,負責監察理事會之運作,查核賬目及提供有關意見。There shall be a chief supervisor, a number of deputy chief supervisors and supervisors, and the number of members must be singular。 Chapter IV Principles of asset management and use 

 Article 14. Sources of funding: 

 (1) membership fee; 

 (2) donation; 

 (3) other lawful income。 

 Article 15. The funds of the Court shall be used for the development of the business scope and undertakings stipulated in the Articles of Association, and shall not be distributed among the members。 

 Chapter V Supplementary provisions 

Article 16. The authority to interpret these Articles belongs to the Board of Directors。

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